Equitation Creditable Dropへようこそ! Equitation Creditable Dropはキン肉マン&U世&始祖編女性向けサイトです。 Welcome to "Equitation Creditable Drop". This website's tendency of expression is mostly for women. 当サイトは日本語のみで構成しております。 This website is composed only in Japanese. 当サイトは未成年の閲覧に相応しく無い内容を含みます。 閲覧の際は自己責任で充分に御注意願います。 閲覧後の苦情は受付できかねます。 Expression which this website does not have to minority may be included. I receive no claim after entering a room. 当サイトSSの許可無き持ち出し、二次使用は禁じます。 It doesn't permit reprinting contents in the website without notice. なお 出版社及び開発社、原作者、放送元とは一切関係御座いません。 商業目的も御座いません。 In addition, with publishing company and development company, original author, and broadcast origin, there is no relation at all. There is also no commercial purpose. 以上御了承されましたらより御入場下さいませ。 After consenting to the above points,please entering at the icon of "letter". 管理人:一色 緑 WEBMASTER:MIDORI ISSIKI This website is made by MetrowerksOpenPDA.1&Linux Kernel.2.4. Movement confirmation is finished by these browser. "NetFront3.0&NN7.1&Opera7.2." Probably can see with IE as well. "Equitation Creditable Drop" general exhibit from:25/Sep/2004

Cyber あまてらす


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